Category Archives: lifestyle


There are some people the internet brings your way that just seem to stick around, for whatever reason. I like that. The interwebzz have a tendency to promote the short-term. The instant. The free, no investment. I think it’s nice to make a potentially impersonal tool into a way to cultivate relationships. My best friend is in Canada, one of my other closest friends moved across the country for years, I’ve met good friends through sites like Flickr and Facebook. You can meet people through other people, who happen to be FB friends with so-and so’s and make them your own friends. That is exactly what happened with Sarah… friend of a friend.

I met up with Sarah while I was in LA for an engagement session, just for fun. Sarah is a photographer, and seeing as how we both love photography, there was as much nerdy chatting as there was shooting (which I am always down for). Tiger shirt + LA sun + someone willing to climb anything = recipe for success.

P.S. We also met a very nice Scottish couple on their honeymoon, snapping Myspace pics of themselves, so I offered to take a few for them on their camera, and mine. I didn’t ask for anything, and I sent them for free… I told them it was my belated wedding gift 😉  Who knows, maybe the internet will strike again, and get me some friends in Scotland.

jay eads los angeles destination photographer


I don’t usually do posts for a single portrait session, but I felt like Marie needed her own space. Marie is an exchange student from Denmark, who just so happens to love Tina Dico as much as I do, and if you don’t know who that is, you are missing out on some fantastic songwriting and you should do yourself a favor and check Tina’s music out. I have done a few exchange student sessions now, and I hope to do at least one every year as a sort of “bon voyage session.” In fact, I think I just named them. (updating website)

Marie is silly, fun, and full of life… it is impossible to spend time with her and not smile, she just draws it out of you, like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. This is a quality that will take her places in life. She loves shoes, and is on a mission to create her own shoe line focusing on heels and stilettos that are actually comfortable. Best of luck on that 😉 Marie brought a couple of her friends from Oregon on the shoot, which culminated in a pool, a diving board, and fully clothed girls launching themselves into the summer air. This is the kind of thing I can see Marie doing on a regular basis, and her friends in Denmark are lucky to have her.

High five from Oregon and the United States!




So I had a random dream last night. It included a discussion with my dermatologist about business, and how he got to be so popular. See, it takes forever to get in to see him for an appointment… subconscious being overactive? Anyway, he fake told me that to be as busy as he is, all someone has to do is follow his example: specialize in something people really want, which has built-in longevity and repeat business. Be excellent at your specialty, cultivate the reputation for being THE one to go to for that specialty. Not bad advice for a dream.

The quest to find a niche and a specialty is one of self-discovery, and patient expectation. That’s the polite, artsy way of saying it seems to take forever and I don’t want to wait any longer. Sometimes a step or three back to “see the forest for the trees” is a good thing. Bottom line is, the imaginary discussion taking place during REM sleep has actually provided some humorously perfect direction.

If you need a good dermatologist in the Eugene area, Jay Park is excellent – and he gives good dreamtime counsel, too.


Go do something kind for someone who doesn't expect it.