Tag Archives: MODELING


There are some people the internet brings your way that just seem to stick around, for whatever reason. I like that. The interwebzz have a tendency to promote the short-term. The instant. The free, no investment. I think it’s nice to make a potentially impersonal tool into a way to cultivate relationships. My best friend is in Canada, one of my other closest friends moved across the country for years, I’ve met good friends through sites like Flickr and Facebook. You can meet people through other people, who happen to be FB friends with so-and so’s and make them your own friends. That is exactly what happened with Sarah… friend of a friend.

I met up with Sarah while I was in LA for an engagement session, just for fun. Sarah is a photographer, and seeing as how we both love photography, there was as much nerdy chatting as there was shooting (which I am always down for). Tiger shirt + LA sun + someone willing to climb anything = recipe for success.

P.S. We also met a very nice Scottish couple on their honeymoon, snapping Myspace pics of themselves, so I offered to take a few for them on their camera, and mine. I didn’t ask for anything, and I sent them for free… I told them it was my belated wedding gift 😉  Who knows, maybe the internet will strike again, and get me some friends in Scotland.

jay eads los angeles destination photographer


Go do something kind for someone who doesn't expect it.