Occasionally I would have a senior who talked more about me photographing their wedding day than the session we were currently shooting. I photograph weddings, seniors look at wedding photography, it makes sense. Often it doesn’t happen that way, though. Life moves on, people move states, they meet new photographers and create a bond with them. No harm, no foul. However, when I get the chance to watch these senior girls turn into dynamic women, and be involved in their lives… it’s an immense honor. I count it a double honor-blessing-joy to be present for their wedding, which has apparently been in the works since they were 16. 🙂 From the Bieber poses (mixtape dropping soon) to the laughter during the engagement session, I felt a sense of relief at what an amazing man Eryn chose to be her partner in life. They both chose well.
Having photographed two of the sisters’ weddings now, I feel like I have a good grasp of how special the family is, and how lucky Eryn and Michael are to have each other. I see so much on their faces every time they look at each other. What a joyful couple. What an emotional day. From senior, to engaged, to bride… Eryn’s wedding couldn’t be any more special to me.
A thousand thanks to my friend Daron for shooting with me, and thanks to Leftbank Annex for taking good care of us.